fuhh..fuhh... #tiup habuk keyb0ard~~
hai sumer... gler lme an aku ta update blog aku nih.. s0rry ler.. sibuk + mls sket.. hehehe..
the last wh0le week i was kind a busy finishing all my tut0rials..ye la an...org cuti smbut chinese new year aku yg smangat brcuti..huhu..by the way happy chinese new year to those celebrating it..
and also.. preparing f0r the G0lden Night or Malam emas pasUM..woh0o.. tema enchanted gtuh~~ >< pergh gler gempak la an aku tg0k the girls especially with their dresses and all the blink2~~ aku? beser2 aje k0t..huhu.. ckup la tuh an.. abih dinner menyinggah plak kat kedai mkn tgh2 mlm pi pekena r0ti nan cheese skeping..hoh0.. lantak pi la kami bahan je nan dress c0de cm uh un..huhu..
pape un..thanks and a great appreciation t0 the ajk f0r that night yg brtungkus lumus mnjayakan mjlis uh okay? ^^
#m0ga ketua kami,Luqman cpat sembuh ye~^^
s0...back to our t0pic...
hari ni aku trse nk cter sal satu vide0..rncangan tv actually.. #s0rry i couldn't find the video back to put in here.. the programme was about the public society and their level/sense of humanity based on how we look at and treat the h0meless... vide0 uh bkn la rncngan dr negara kita yet we are in the same context-the public/society.. dlm program tuh ad sorg llki impersonate as a homeless guy being helped by a lady.. they went into a bar and the lady gave him 20 d0llar to buy fo0d.. pmilik bar uh #i'm n0t sure t0l ke ta..jgak berkomplot nan mereka2 nih dengan melayan this homeless guy in a very rude way and insult him dpan customer len utk tgok reaksi and action dyorg ngan tndakan dye.. with the hidden camera rolling,stiap action dyorg ni dirakam..
after aku finish tgok video tu.. banyak menda yang leh kita dapat,jdkan iktibar n peringatan..
dalam rakaman uh.. the first guy sit sblah the homeless silently while the owner kutuk2 the homeless guy,tuduh dye nk gne duit uh beli liquor n gamble instead of buying fo0d.. then the guy tgur owner uh soh dye buatkn sandwich utk homeless guy uh dye nk mkn.. owner uh ta wat but ambik duit org uh..and then the guy took out his mobile ph0ne and dial 911,warning the owner utk pulangkan blik duit homeless guy uh.. there are some of the customer who are like the guy;have the high sense of humanity.. dlm video uh jgak ta kurg ad customer dlm bar uh yg mintak owner bar uh halau that homeles guy uh kuar soh makan kt luar ngan alasan dye kotor n smelly.. n ada jugak yang sebelah mata un ta pandang that p0or guy instead,they also said;"this place is not for the him(homeless guy).."
ada dua customer yang dirakamkan dlm video uh yg menarik and menyentuh hati aku..
a tough guy in the white t-shirt..
when the owner insult the homeless guy.. dye un ta kurang join sekaki o0 d0k mngutuk nmmpersendakan that homeless guy.. when i saw that, in my heart aku ase bengang nan both of them for being harsh to that guy.. last2 llaki homeless uh kuar dr bar.. when the guy went out.. dyorg gelak2.. sakit ati an l0 tgok cm uh? but then to my suprise..that white shirt guy senyap kejap when the owner kutuk n tuduh the homeless guy uh mcm2,dye senyum and then told the owner ;"we don't know yet..we don't know yet what had happened to him.. maybe he is really hungry..and he really want to buy fo0d.." this guy touched me ble dye bukak menu and buy a turkey sandwich;siap cakap;"n0 he need more than that.." and also drinks for the homeless guy.. then he walked out of the bar and gave it to him n tanya lg org uh nk pape lg ta n then msuk blik bar..
an old man..
before dye msuk bar uh dye da hulur duit kat that homeless guy outside the bar.. when the homeless guy came in with that lady with him treating him fo0d..laki uh ada skli kat stuh.. and again,the owner did the same thing-insulted him like before. that old man tgur owner uh soh bagi apa yg the homeless guy nak.. dye mnx air kosong owner uh ta bg..the old man see that he gave his water to him.. then,the owner amik duit homeless guy uh.. old man uh tgur npe amik duit org uh n mnx dye pulangkn blik.. owner uh try back up himself nan bg alasan cm td..then that elder strictly said he will make sure that owner would get arrested because he was stealing that guy's money.. when the homeless guy went out..the old man told the owner;"don't you have ever feel you need help?don't you ever been in a hard time? needing the help from the others? don't say anything because you've never been in his shoes.. i know how it feels to be in that hard time.." that old man then took a tissue paper and wipe his eyes..HE IS CRYING.. absorbed into the emotional feeling he had..
so..to all including me....
makin maju dunia nih..nampaknya sense of humanity manusia makin mundur.. seringkali bila kita tgok these kind of people,wandering around duk kat kaki lima tdur beralaskan k0tak2 especially the elders and children.. ta mustahil ada antara kita yang memandang dyorang seolah-olah sama taraf je nan kucing and anjing kurap tepi2 jalan uh.. ta kurang jugak yang ase takut and have the negative view on them like; "dyorg nih ntah2 yg mergut uh..","ntah2 dye nih penagih dadah..","ni mesti anak-anak terbuang nih..","nih ntah2 wat2 je handicap nak mnx simpati.." sejjurnya aku sendiri un kekadang trlintas ayat2 cam uh dalam kepala nih ble trjumpa hamba Allah nih..
sedarlah wahai diri n rakan2 tersayang yang mmbaca post nih.hina camne un dye dye tetap hamba Allah.. xde bezanya nan kita.. cuma Allah uji mereka dengan kesusahan sebegitu n Allah uji kita plak dengan nikmat and kesenangan.. sedarlah perkara uh..macam mana sekali un tetap berbalik kepada segumpal darah yang ad dalam diri kita nih.. semuanya berbalik kepada Allah.. kadang2 org yg mcm tu jauh lagi mulia di sisi Allah berbanding kita yang hidup senang ni..sedangkan kita..lalai dengan nikmat dunia hingga lupa rezeki yang ada uh hanyalah pinjaman dr-Nya..
aku rasa tersentap ble tengok video uh..seriously..jangan kita mnilai org dr luar sbb kita bukan psikik untuk mnilai sejauh mana kebaikan hati org uh.. kadang2 muka uh gler ganas mcm mafia tp mana kita tau tiap2 hujung minggu dye wat amal jariah gi rumah anak2 yatim,gi join majlis2 ilmu.. kita had0?? hanya Dia yg kat ats uh yang Maha mengetahui sejauh mana mulianya seseorang uh berdasarkan hatinya,bukan rupa.. ta semua yang duk kat kaki lima uh sampah masyarakat... kadang2..kita trlalu sibuk memndang dyorang rendah sedangkan seinci un peluang untuk dyorg berubah kita ta prnah bagi..
ini hanyalah pandangan aku..and sdikit sebanyak nasihat buat diri aku sndiri n rakan2 yang aku sayangi sekalian.. yg mana baik,amik sebagai iktibar..yang mana kurang menyenangkan..diri ini memohon maaf di atas segala keterlanjuran n kekurangan yang disandarkan pada diri ini sndiri..
senang macam mana un hidup kita..jangan ingt kita da mulia kat mata Allah.. blink2 mcm mana un yang kita ada.. ngan kain putih bersalut tanah kita kembali kepada-Nya..
take care everyone.. assalamualaikum..."Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change. Kindness that catches us by surprise brings out the best in our natures..."
-Bob Kerrey
#selamat pulang dari menunaikan umrah buat gm0k aku yang sentiasa diingati.. ^^
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