hi all.. how's your Ramadhan.. May Allah fill our days with barakah.. amin...
so many things are happening to me these days.. especially tgh mnduduki final exam for this semester. so far... #mixed feeling.. lg2 paper calculus.. fe'el gabra aku jadi balik mcm mse form four dlu ble nk jwb addmath.. abih hilg blur sume smpai soaln snang un aku da tnggal xsmpat da nk jwb efek gabra ke soalan len.. hadoyai.. nk wat cmne.. tawakal je la...mge2 hrpn untuk aku tak sirna lg... #uhuk2~
by the way.. my topic for today...
have you ever heard about GMO?
GMO or GMF are genetically modified organism or genetically modified food.. to be simple, these are product that resulted from a genetic modification in particular DNA of the product.. usually fruits, vegetables and even animals can now be genetically modified.
In oversea this has become a controversial issues concerning the effects of consuming GMF especially in long term.
yes.. ad pro and cons of these products..
in term of economy.. untuk negara kita product sebegini or also known as biotech food.. these product mmbantu meningkatkan ekonomi negara kita. for example, padi yang diGMOkn dpt mningkatkan hasil pengeluaran padi dgn kualiti yg dpertingkatkan ble padi dpt brbuah 2 kali setahun,. another example is sawit yg lagi thn daya penyakit as well as higher productivity..
in term of health... how should i say this..senang cerita.. when you are modifying a thing, you will not get the originality of the product although they appear the same.. lg-lg involvement of chemicals (contoh ayam yg kalo kita dgr disuntik steroid untuk lagi besar).. when it involve chemicals.. we know that there will be side effect to us sma ada sikit atau byk and cpat atau lmbt.. orang kata benda baik un still ada trselit effect lainnya..
higher resistance towards penyakit and srangga perosak means you need to use a higher degree insecticide and herbacide once serangga and this parasites become immune to our current pesticide.. bygkn higher chemical used yg dserap oleh pokok/tumbuhn and effectnya pd kita yg memakannya.. it as well merosakkn ekosistem kita sebenarnya...
well npe ak crta tntang GMO tiba2.. recently ak and my group members did surveys on this issue in our country Malaysia.. first of all.. it was a great experience ble kte dpt interview orang ramai concerning this issue lagi2 we as the consumers yg mnggunakan products dlm khidupan seharian kita..
all i want to say is that aku lega our citizens are concerned about this issue walaupun bila tnya ttg GMo depa xbpe tau term tu but depa tau tentang product GMO ni.. ap yg ak nmpk stkt ni negara kita kurg mendedahkn tentang pros and cons product GMO ni meaning consumers xdberi pendedahan tentang apa product GMO ni sebenarnya sedangkn mostly kta byk guna produk ni sekarang.. a lot of views and opinions we got from the survey.. ak rse brterima kasih to those yg sudi diinterview xkira kecik besar tua muda #cewahh cm lgu raye da~ lg2 documentary yg ktorg wt akn di upload dlm youtube..
cabaran trbesar... nk dptkn sribu like utk markah final project kami.... #demam den mmikio mne nk cri seribu like nih..
our documentary consists of interviews yg ktorg da jlnkn and also stop motion yg first time ktorg wt sndri.. xsgka bjya la gak utk kami kaum2 hawa yg agk2 rabun skit multimedia nih.. kikiki..
yup it is a bit long.. #a bit ke?? hehehe... but its our finest effort la yg thsil sdaya yg ktorg mmpu.. jmput2 la tgok ye.. n jgn lpe like! like anda menentukn masa depan kmi... #1000like mission
till then.. arigatou!
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