Wednesday, 9 January 2013

~~he l0ves me~he l0ves me n0t~~~


hai kawan2~~
kter ada satu teka teki.. dalam banyak2 luka,luka apa yg ta nampak? tettt! mase da tamat... jawapannyer...luka dalam hati.. hahaha..
 okeh abaikan yg ngar0t uh.. so.. it has been a while since i last updated this blog.. sibuk cket..cewahh...hahah..sibuk la sgt...#sbuk exercise mulut tmbh natural heat insulator pd bdn lettew~~

today... let us share something ah... its about something that is really complicated even the Hitler can't handle it... hahahahah...cuak ta cuak ta??? haha.... xde mnde un sje je wt suspen... actualy ari ni ak nk share about a lyric of a song yg aku dengar dua tiga hari lpas... lirik nih yg english-subbed pnyer sbb lgu uh lgu korea... #pergh tqah lyn k0rea n jp0n do0 skang~~

okeyh..lgu uh lirik dye bbunyi sedemikian...

Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any different
I valued you at first but then I flew away
Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any special
I had all of your heart but then I flew away
Men are all like that
It seemed like I could never catch your heart
But little by little, your heart became to come into my hands
Now I feel burdened when you say you can’t live without me
I used to stay up all night, worried that your heart would change
When I opened my eyes, I called you to make sure of your voice
I used to hope that the moment would last forever
Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any different
I valued you at first but then I flew away
Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any special
I had all of your heart but then I flew away
Men are all like that
I used to just look at you for minutes
I held your hand tight, afraid that I might lose you if I let go
I used to be sad when we said goodbye so I turned back multiple times
Now I walk ahead of you
When we talk, I don’t look at your eyes
But it’s not because I don’t love you
Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any different
I valued you at first but then I flew away
Men are all like that, I wouldn’t be any special
I had all of your heart but then I flew away
Men are all like that
Women are all like that, you wouldn’t be any different
You knew my heart but you hoped that I’d return
Women are all like that, you wouldn’t be any special
You knew it wasn’t but hoped that I would be your last
Women are all like that

apa yg korg paham dr lirik lagu nih.. hahaha... aku un ta la paham sangat... tapi..once aku tgok mv dye~~

~~mv lgu~~

once aku baca lirik dye... lgu ni touched hati n fikiran aku untuk berfikir sejenak.. cewah~~

perasan ta korg lagu ni mnunjukkan yang kita women n men are created fair and square.. sme je sbnanye dari segi hati la dlm konteks cter aku skang nih... at first aku agk suprised to listen to this song sbb yg nyanyinye laki.. but then when i listen to this song completely,aku realize... lagu ni sbnanye mnceritakan tentang dua-dua pihak;both boys and girls.. even if the lyrics said men are all the same,bgtu mnghrgai at first smpai tak0t nak let go of her hand,afraid of losing her..#psst..jgn hold hands lg ea bef0re akad~~ ^^
but then it turns out,this man starts to flew away with his life,putting her aside... and at the end of the song,it is said that,women are all the same.. trying to ignore the fact yg mgkin...kte ta dprlukn... ttp mghrpkn org yg da mlgkh prgi dr hdup kta utk kmbli.n mnjd org yg trakhir yg kita akn syg...

 fuhhh...complicated tol erk ble involve sal hati ni....

first and offense ye to any boys or girls about this post.. aku un ta la phm sgt lirik lagu nih and my summary might be the other way from your own summaries..
its just.. maybe it is true in certain extent.. aku un kkdg trse cm tuh.. but then.. for me... ignore the word men/women and you will find the rational about this song,about us,the human... ada je pmpuan yg cm konteks 'men' dlm lgu nih sme gak ngan je yg stianya mngharapkan org yg dye syg return back for him.. thats why i say that we are all the same.. hidup nih..pnuh ragam.. yang pmpuan cmni.. yg lki cmtu... org ni tu cmtu...

just..dont blame any of you either boy or girl if the things that you're hoping are not going as you want.. and don't blame yourself...smpi ko ase down, nk tg0lek, nk trjun bngunan,update at blog ke ap ke "ak xnk kwen ah! skit ati!"...#amboih2..xnk kwen ye.... psti ke xnk kwen..tup2 kad kwen ko yg aku tme dlu~~

mlpaskan org yg kta syg tu mmg mnyakitkan...  tp..itu bknla pngakhiran hdup kta..smpai kta hilg ptmbangan nk wt mnde bukan2..smpai diri kta yg rosak.. ble dye prgi dr kita... bkan bmkna kita ta lyk mmliki dye.. tp Dia yg kat ats uh..tgh sdiakn kta utk someone yg lbih baik yg slyknye utk kta..
 ustaz aku pnah ckp...
" manusia nih boleh berubah 48 kli dlm msa 24 jam.."

be prepared aje la... ta byk skit un jd la...bckp ttg hti.. aku un ta tau aku prepare ke ta.. ta tau aku kuat at0 ta untuk hdpi smua kmungkinan... ta tau either aku yg prgi or dye...

but then... either you like it or not.. terima dengan redha kalau dye bukan jodoh kta... bkan kta yg tetapkan jdoh kita... yg kt ats yg tetapkn... kdg2 dok bagai nk gh0k bcinta tjuh lpan sp0loh thun...last2 kwen ngan owg len...knal 2 bulan je tr0s nikah... kn...da kab0...haaaaa~~~
nk kb0 mnde.. gi jmpe s0mi dye kb0 "ni awek aku nih mne aci..aku nk kwen ngan dye..." emg ni la mkn dyer...

hidup ta smstinye mngikut ap yg kta mnde yg kta leh ubh.. ad yg ta boleh wal0 puas cne un kta cuba utk ubh.. doa jln trbaik..doakn aje la mge2 org yg trselit dlm hti kta skrg itulh jdoh kta...

lg lg lg lg lg lg lg lg baik lo xyh trjebak lgsung ngan ap yg ta psti ag nih... cinta Dia yg kat ats yg lg utama un kta sllu tlupa.. ingtan untuk hambaNya ini sndri yg slu sgt khilaf n lalai dlm mencintaiNya.. #ampunkn aku Ya Allah~~
yg da trjebak uh...#tmsukla yg mnulis nih...  be bold enough to ask for her hand through her wali just as bold as you have her placed in your heart.. itu la cinta yg lbih sweet.. klh r0meo n juliet a0~~

udah ler tuh mnaipnyer yek... tggu la mse nye nti ak update lg... post ni... yg baik amik la..yg bruk tuh... saye mnyusun sepuluh jari dengan hela nafas yang berat bersama ketulusan hati dan kerendahan diri memohon kemaafan kepada anda semua yg membacanya.. again i repeat... no offense to anyone...
 take care semua.. by the way,doakn kami rakyat2 pasUm untuk midsem exam kami yer... cuak3~~

nenek saye pnah brkata....

"kal0 kter sygkan sseorg uh kte kne lpaskan dye prgi dr kta... kal0 dye dtg blik ke kter mknenye dye mmg utk kter.. kal0 ta... ada yg lain yg lg baik mnunggu kter..."

hahaha..okay sumer? assalamualaikum!

#pssst.... cinta lpas nikah itu pling sweet~~

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